Gene Expression

The CMB Faculty in this research area study how gene expression is regulated at steps including transcription, localization, translation, modification and decay. They use approaches such as next generation sequencing, live and fixed cell imaging, and digital PCR to assess gene expression.
Cris Argueso
Associate Professor (Agricultural Biology)
Molecular mechanisms by which plant hormones regulate plant immunity and growth in the context of environmental change. Characterization of gene networks that regulate plant adaptation to stress.
Deborah N. Garrity
Professor (Biology)
Molecular genetic approaches to gastrulation and organogenesis (especially heart development) in zebrafish.
Tai Montgomery
Associate Professor (Biology)
Small non – coding RNAs and their roles in heterochromatin formation, transcriptional elongation, translation of mRNAs, and sorting of RNAs within a cell.
Karen Dobos
Professor (Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology)
Her lab primarily uses biochemical approaches to study the physiology of microbial diseases. While she and her team are most known for their work in biomarker discovery and systems biology for Mycobacterium tuberculosis, they also actively work and collaborate to address novel questions around pathogen inactivation, vector-mycobacteria intersections, and pathogen/vector cryopreservation.
Soham Ghosh
Assistant Professor (Mechanical Engineering, School of Biomedical Engineering)
We are a group of scientist-engineers who enjoy spending our time asking and answering exciting questions on how cells and intracellular components coordinate with environmental cues to maintain and regenerate tissues, and to degenerate tissues with aging.
Anireddy S.N. Reddy
Professor (Biology)
Signal transduction mechanisms; regulation of gene expression; crop improvement by genetic engineering.
Erin Nishimura
Assistant Professor (Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
Regulation of gene expression during C. elegans embryogenesis and how it impacts cell fate.
Ashok Prasad
Professor (Chemical & Biological Engineering)
Mathematical and computational modeling of signal transduction, gene transcription and stochastic processes in biology.
Tom Santangelo
Professor (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)
Mechanisms and regulation of archaeal transcription and RNA editing.
Sarah Swygert
Assistant Professor (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)
We use high resolution genomics and biochemical/biophysical assays to uncover the roles of 3D chromatin structures in quiescent cells.
Carol Wilusz
Professor (Microbiology, Immunology & Pathology)
Post – transcriptional control of gene expression in myotonic dystrophy and stem cells.
Jeff Wilusz
Professor (Microbiology, Immunology & Pathology)
Interactions between viruses, viral RNAs and the cellular mRNA decay machinery.
Tingting Yao
Associate Professor (Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
Regulation of gene expression and chromatin dynamics by the ubiquitin – proteasome pathway.
Asa Ben-Hur
Professor (Computer Science)
Machine learning for predicting protein function and alternative splicing.
Jeff Hansen
Professor (Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
Higher order chromatin structure and chromatin architectural proteins.
Brian Munsky
Assistant Professor (Chemical & Biological Engineering)
Integrating models & experiments to understand, predict and control stochastic processes such as gene expression
Laurie Stargell
Professor (Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
RNA polymerase II transcription and chromatin context in S. cerevisiae.
Tim Stasevich
Assistant Professor (Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
Live cell imaging of gene expression, especially post – translational modifications to chromatin
- BC 563 – Molecular Genetics
- MIP 643 – RNA Biology
- DSCI 510 – Linux as a computational platform
- DSCI 511 – Genomics Data Analysis in Python
- DSCI 512 – RNA-seq Data Analysis
- MIP 565 / BZ 565 – Next Generation Sequencing Platforms & Libraries
- MIP 611 – Advanced Microbiological Research Methods
Hannah Berry (Argueso Lab)
USDA – NIFA Pre – doctoral Fellow
2019-20 Sustainability Fellow
Katy McIntyre (Argueso Lab)
NSF – GRFP Fellow
USDA-NIFA Predoctoral Fellowship-2020
American Society of Plant Biologists Travel Award-2020
Paige Ostwald (Garrity Lab)
Vice President for Research Graduate Fellows Program, 2020-21 Cohort
Kailee Reed (Montgomery Lab)
qCMB T32 Fellow 2019 – 20
Kristin Scott (Santangelo Lab)
GAANN Teaching Fellow 2018 – 19
qCMB T32 Fellow 2019 – 20
Neha Ahuja (Garrity Lab)
Adam Heck (C. Wilusz Lab)
NSF – NRT GAUSSI Fellow 2015 – 16
NSF – GRFP Fellow 2016 – 19
Nikki Huynh (Reddy Lab)
Josh Svendsen (Montgomery Lab)
Sere Williams (MS 2019, Reddy Lab) – CMB PhD Student
Kristen Brown (PhD 2019, Montgomery Lab) – Data Science Fellow, Insight Data Science
Rasha Alnefaie (PhD 2018, Garrity Lab) – Lecturer, Albaha University
Aimee Jalkanen (PhD 2017, C. Wilusz Lab) – Clinical Research Manager, Merck
Annie Zhang Bargsten (PhD 2017, C. Wilusz Lab) – Scientific Support Specialist, Horizon Discovery
Mohammed Albaqami (PhD 2017, Reddy Lab) – Assistant Professor, Umm Al – Qura University