CMB Student Seminar is held weekly during the Fall Semester.  Second year students give an 8 minute presentation, 3rd/4th years present for 17 minutes and more advanced students for 8 min. All are welcome to attend!

Fall 2023 – Seminar is MONDAYS at NOON in H210 A/Z

Contact: [email protected] | 970-491-4919| Rm B407 Microbiology

WEEKDateSpeaker 1Speaker 2Speaker 3Speaker 4Speaker 5
121-AugNew Student Intros
228-AugDaniel KunkHow to Excel in CM793
4-SepLabor Day
311-SepXutong ShiMollie UhrigConnor KingMelea BarahonaEmma Magna
418-SepMeg HemmerleinLogan DeanVictoria TalbottJoey HolmesAlex Alon
525-SepOmar YanouriJae ChungDiana Lowe
62-OctKhalid Al-LakhenRachel BradyZohaib Ali
79-OctDarcy HunstigerShady KusterKaty McIntyre
816-OctSere WilliamsCallie SlaughterSam Brill
923-OctThomas LeeRosi DanzmanKristin Fluke
1030-OctTym LutsivTyler ToddSam Ogden
116-NovLexi KeeneKaz KnightRyan Jeep
1213-NovPablo MaldonadoGaby RamirezKayl Ecton
20-NovThanksgiving Break
1327-NovVictoria NiecieckiNaly TorresBan Alkurdi
144-DecCarlos JuarezCamron PearceJoey Stewart
1511-DecFinals Week