Travel / Professional Development Awards
The Cell and Molecular Biology (CMB) Graduate Program encourages our students to take every opportunity to present their work and meet researchers in their field.
Up to twelve $500 awards are available to CMB students for travel/virtual registration through December 31, 2022. The next application deadline is September 1, 2022. Travel/Professional Development (not limited to conferences) must be completed by June 30, 2023. These awards will support student participation in conferences, workshops, and externships / internships. The application with additional information can be found on the Travel Award Application.
At the same time, you should apply for travel awards through the Graduate Student Council and also for any awards offered by conference organizers.
Travel awards may also be available through Professional Societies such as the Genetics Society of America and the American Society for Microbiology.
If you receive a travel award through CMB, you must provide a paragraph describing your experience along with a photo of yourself with a leader in your field. These may appear in the CMB Newsletter and / or on the CMB website.
Information and account numbers for Awards granted from CMB will be provided to the Travel Arranger from your PI’s Department.
Fall 2022 Award Winners
Casey-Tyler Berezin
Jozsef Vigh Lab
Neuroscience 2022, San Diego CA
Connor King
Jean Peccoud Lab
ICSB 2022, Berlin Germany
Thomas Lee
Keara Boss Lab
Radiation Research Society, Waikoloa Village, Hawaii
Diana Lowe
Glenn Telling Lab
Prion 2022, Göttingen Germany
Julianna Sun
Glenn Telling Lab
Prion 2022, Göttingen Germany
Spring 2022 Award Winners
Darcy Hunstiger
Christie Peebles Lab
14th Workshop on Cyanobacteria, East Lansing MI
Lexi Keene
Mark Stenglein Lab
63rd Annual Drosophila Research Conference, San Diego CA
Valerie Seitz
Jessica Prenni Lab
70th ASMS Conference 2022, Minneapolis MN
Naly Torres
Erin Nishimura Lab
The 27th Annual Meeting of the RNA Society, Boulder CO