Welcome to the Colorado State University Cell & Molecular Biology Graduate Program
Congratulations on your admission to the Colorado State University Cell & Molecular Biology (CSU / CMB) Graduate Program. We are eager to help you get set up so your first days in our program will be successful. We have created a list of important steps for your convenience which should be completed as soon as possible after the admission offer, to help you get settled in the CSU CMB Graduate Program.
Offer Letter and Nomination Form
Shortly after receiving your Notice of Graduate Admission, you will receive your CMB Admission / Graduate Assistant (GA) [Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) or Graduate Research Assistant (GRA)] Offer Letter and GA Nomination Form. Please read through everything very carefully, and respond to each of these forms.
- Receive your CSU ID number, via your application or emailed to you.
- After receiving the CSU Offer of Admission, confirm your decision to attend CSU via your admissions application .
- Submit any required information that is still needed by the Admissions Office.
- Print, sign and electronically return the Offer Letter to [email protected].
- To confirm your decision regarding the GA Assistantship Nomination, print, sign and electronically return the form to [email protected].
- If you are being hired as a GRA, the process will be a bit different, we will let you know.
Create a CSU eID
Your Electronic Identity (eID) will allow you access for a myriad of CSU systems, including RAMweb Portal:
- Course registration, course drop / withdrawal.
- Billing, including Tuition and Fees charges.
- Grades.
- Degree Progress Information.
- Graduate School Forms and directions.
Set up your CSU Email Account
Please do this quickly as you will start receiving important emails from CSU almost immediately.
- You can access your email through an Outlook client or through the Office 365 portal at office.com. For technical assistance, call the Central IT Help Desk at (970)491-7276 or e-mail [email protected].
- Your Office 365 email account is utilized by the Graduate School and the CMB Program as the official means of communicating important information such as academic deadlines, account holds, events and updates, and important campus news. You are responsible for accessing your account and checking your email regularly.
- Many CSU systems now require DUO: Two Factor Authentication, a tool that provides two-factor authentication to better protect your account by requiring an additional piece of information beyond your username and password. Additional information and specific set-up directions are provided on the DUO web page.
- Visit the CSU Graduate School Steps Once Admitted for additional email account information.
- For additional email, wireless access, and other networking assistance information, contact Academic Computing & Networking Services.
Establish Colorado residency as soon as possible
Read and understand the Residency Classification in Colorado. Ask questions early.
- Out – of – state tuition will not be covered past your first year, if your tuition is being paid as a GA. Any out – of – state portion of CSU tuition becomes the student’s responsibility starting year two.
- It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of the requirements and take the appropriate actions upon arrival to Colorado, and the time – frame to petition for residency.
- Residency Requirements for In-State Tuition.
Register for classes
- Log in to RAMweb to enroll in classes, pay tuition / financial information, personal records (such as grades), find out about jobs, and more.
- For registration assistance, visit the Registrar’s Office How Do I Register for Courses?
CMB-MS Sample Curriculum
CMB-PhD Sample Curriculum
CMB-CBZ-PhD Sample Curriculum - For Variable Credit courses, the default number of credits will be ‘1’. To increase the number of credits, find the tab called “Schedule and Options” (last tab) on the registration window, click on the Hours column and change the number of credits to the desired / required number. Reminder: for every 1 credit listed for a variable credit course, you should expect to spend 150 minutes of laboratory time per week for 16 weeks (2400 minutes in a semester) when no outside preparation is required. Three credit hours should result in 450 minutes of laboratory per week, six credit hours should result in 900 minutes of laboratory per week, etc.
- Update your Contact Information when you get settled in Fort Collins. You will need to keep this current to receive the important information sent to you.
Payroll Paperwork
Complete as soon as possible after you arrive, and before the start of classes, to ensure a timely first paycheck. You will receive a detailed email from the CMB Office, but here are some things to expect in this process:
- Background Check: a background check is required for all new employees (GTA, GRA) and will be requested as soon as you accept our offer. You will need to watch for an email from HireRight and follow the directions to complete your end of the process.
- HR / Payroll forms: these will be sent to you with additional instructions. Many forms, including the Direct Deposit paycheck processing, are now available using electronic forms and / or signatures. DD is required for employees of CSU, the form will require routing and account number from your banking institution.
- All student employees (GTA, GRA) must sign a certification form. This form will be emailed to you and also requires the CMB Director’s signature.
Get your Student ID card
Be prepared to have your picture taken for CSU system file records. Your RamCard is your personal ID card on campus and is your ticket to just about everything at CSU, as well as to ride on the Fort Collins transit service: TransFort. There is a $25 fee that will be charged to your student account. The RamCard Office is located in the Lory Student Center in Room 271, in-office appointments are required. Register for your appointment at https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/[email protected]/bookings/ to get your RamCard. Please visit their RAMCard website for additional information including, but not limited to, the list of required verification documents, care, uses and policies.
Student Orientations
Orientations will be held the week prior to classes starting. Please plan to attend all the sessions to receive valuable information.
- GTA orientation is all day on Monday before classes start. Mandatory for GTAs.
- INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS must attend an orientation, held on Tuesday and Wednesday. Communicate directly and early with the Office of International Programs to ensure all your paperwork is completed. Also look in to the New and Transfer International Students web page for additional information and resources.
- The Graduate School (GS) orientation is held on Thursday morning the week before classes begin.
- CMB will have a mandatory student orientation on Thursday afternoon, following the GS orientation.
- Additional GTA orientation dates for specific assignments will be announced via an email from the Course GTA Supervisor.
Health Requirements
- The Graduate School covers health insurance for the majority of GTAs and GRAs – see Assistantship Health Insurance Contribution (HIC) for guidelines and requirements.
- Mandatory Health Insurance. All students must demonstrate they are covered by a comprehensive health insurance plan.
- Health Network – New Student Checklist for Graduate Students – you must complete several requirements such as submitting your immunization records, and completing the Sexual Assault Prevention Online Module.
- International Students – health history, and tuberculosis screening requirements are required.
Join other members of CMB at the Annual Welcome Picnic
The CMB Fall Picnic is held each August before classes begin, in conjunction with the CMB New Student orientation. It’s a great chance to relax, meet and greet other students and visit with faculty.