Survey and Discussion

A survey was developed, administered and analyzed by Julie Maertens of the CSU STEM Center. The results are summarized in the PDF posted below. Facilitators will present some of the data and encourage discussion among the participants regarding the challenges faced by women and minoritized students with respect to implicit bias and harassment.

Ideally this session should be held over a lunch break, either with lunch provided or with participants encouraged to bring their own lunch.

After the brief presentation, the participants should be encouraged to consider some questions (see below) in small groups and then report back. The questions should be written on a large sheet of poster paper and potential solutions can then be written on post-its by the participants.

Questions for Brainstorming

  • What are issues that still need to be addressed?
  • What are the specific needs of the biomedical research community?
  • What goals should we set?
    • What do you need to be a leader on this issue?
  • What are the barriers?
    • How can we overcome the barriers?

Resources and Reading