Courses Required for the Cancer Biology Specialization

CMB students may elect to specialize in Cancer Biology which leads to a Specialization noted on their transcript.  In addition to the CMB PhD requirements using the CAMB-PhD Sample Curriculum, at least five credits must be selected from courses below:

In addition, students specializing in Cancer Biology may satisfy the CM 792 seminar requirement by attending Clinical Oncology Seminar / Journal Club.

Any variation from the required courses must be approved by the Academic Committee and the student’s Graduate Advisory Committee. Requests for course substitutions or omissions must be submitted to the Academic Committee by the student in writing. Each graduate student must present a seminar of their work before graduating.

It is the responsibility of each graduate student to know and meet all requirements of the Graduate School. These are listed in the Colorado State University Graduate and Professional Bulletin, Handbook on Graduate Study, and Guidelines for Graduate Advising and Committee Service. The latter two publications will be sent to students during the first term they are registered.