Stem Cells & Development

Faculty in this research area are interested in understanding how to make an organism or regenerate tissues. A variety of models are in use ranging from well – known genetically tractable organisms (C. elegans, zebrafish) to agriculturally important animals (sheep, horses, cows) and less obvious models like crabs and salamanders! Induced pluripotent stem cells and other types of stem cell are also employed as therapeutics or to investigate pluripotency and differentiation in a petri dish.
Soham Chanda
Assistant Professor (Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
Neuronal Development and Dysfunction
Santiago Di Pietro
Associate Professor (Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
Fundamental aspects of membrane protein transport.
Steven Dow
Professor (Microbiology, Immunology & Pathology and Clinical Sciences)
Mesenchymal stem cells for treatment of chronic drug resistant infections and for stimulation of wound and tissue healing, using experimental and naturally occurring animal models.
Nicole Ehrhart
Professor (Clinical Sciences)
Mesenchymal stem cells to stimulate healing following bone cancer surgery
David Frisbie
Professor (Clinical Sciences)
Stem cell therapies for musculoskeletal disease
Debbie Garrity
Professor (Biology)
Zebrafish heart development
Kim Hoke
Associate Professor (Biology). Neural, developmental, and genetic mechanisms of behavior.
Erin Nishimura
Assistant Professor (Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
Gene regulation in early C. elegans development
Soham Ghosh
Assistant Professor (Mechanical Engineering, School of Biomedical Engineering)
We are a group of scientist-engineers who enjoy spending our time asking and answering exciting questions on how cells and intracellular components coordinate with environmental cues to maintain and regenerate tissues, and to degenerate tissues with aging.
Tai Montgomery
Associate Professor (Biology)
RNA interference and fertility in C. elegans
Don Mykles
Professor (Biology)
Molting of the crab exoskeleton
Professor (Chemical & Biological Engineering)
Mathematical and computational modeling of biological processes.
Jozef Vigh
Associate Professor (Biomedical Sciences)
Signal processing in the retina.
Carol Wilusz
Professor (Microbiology, Immunology & Pathology)
RNA metabolism in stem cells and neuromuscular disease
John Kisiday
Associate Professor (Clinical Sciences)
Mechanobiology of cartilage regeneration; cartilage tissue engineering.
BIOM 525 Cell & Tissue Engineering
BZ 570 Molecular Aspects of Plant Development
BZ 576 Genetics of Model Organisms (fall, even yrs)
Animal Reproduction and Biotechnology Lab
Center for Immune & Regenerative Medicine
Gates Center for Regenerative Medicine (Colorado University Anschutz)
Julie Sun (Telling Lab)
Paige Ostwald (Garrity Lab)
Vice President for Research Graduate Fellows Program, 2020-21 Cohort
Kailee Reed (Montgomery Lab)
qCMB T32 Fellow 2019 – 20
Josh Svendsen (Montgomery Lab)
Neha Ahuja (Garrity Lab)
Adam Heck (C. Wilusz Lab)
NSF – NRT GAUSSI Fellow 2015 – 16
NSF – GRFP Fellow 2016 – 19
Kristen Brown (PhD 2019, Montgomery Lab) – Data Science Fellow, Insight Data Science
Rasha Alnefaie (PhD 2018, Garrity Lab) – Lecturer, Albaha University
Aimee Jalkanen (PhD 2017, C. Wilusz Lab) – Clinical Research Manager, Merck
Annie Zhang Bargsten (PhD 2017, C. Wilusz Lab) – Scientific Support Specialist, Horizon Discovery
- Post-transcriptional Modulation of Sphingosine-1-Phosphate Receptor 1 by miR-19a Affects Cardiovascular Development in Zebrafish. Guzzolino E, Chiavacci E, Ahuja N, Mariani L, Evangelista M, Ippolito C, Rizzo M, Garrity D, Cremisi F, Pitto L. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2018 6:58
- Transgenerational Inheritance: Perpetuating RNAi. Brown KC, Montgomery TA. Curr Biol. 2017 27(10):R383-R385
- piRNA Rules of Engagement. Svendsen JM, Montgomery TA. Dev Cell. 2018 44(6):657-658
- Small changes, big implications: The impact of m6A RNA methylation on gene expression in pluripotency and development. Heck AM, Wilusz CJ. Biochim Biophys Acta Gene Regul Mech. 2019 . pii: S1874-9399(19)30206-8.
- Sequences encoding C2H2 zinc fingers inhibit polyadenylation and mRNA export in human cells. Jalkanen AL, Russo J, Heck AM, Schmidt CM, Wilusz J, Wilusz CJ. Sci Rep. 2018 8(1):16995