Genome Structure, Evolution & Repair

CMB faculty study genomes from many perspectives including epigenetics, telomeres, replication, transcriptional regulation, damage, repair and evolution.

J Lucas Argueso
Professor (Environmental & Radiological Health Sciences)
Molecular mechanisms of Copy Number Variation (CNV) and other chromosomal rearrangements. Genomics of industrial yeast strains

Susan M. Bailey
Professor (Environmental & Radiology Health Sciences)
Role of dysfunctional telomeres in tumorigenesis. NASA Twins Study.
Jennifer G. DeLuca
Professor (Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
Mechanisms of Mitotic Chromosome Segregation.
Kim Hoke
Professor (Biology)
Mechanisms for convergent evolution of behavioral and morphological traits

Tom LaRocca
Assistant Professor (Heath & Exercise Science)
Biological mechanisms of healthspan, including proteome, genome and RNA homeostasis, and their effects on organismal function and brain health.
Tom Santangelo
Professor (Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
Archaeal transcription and chromatin
Dan Sloan
Associate Professor (Biology)
Evolutionary forces that shape cyto – nuclear interactions at the genome level.
Mark Stenglein
Associate Professor (Microbiology, Immunology & Pathology)
Virology. Computational Biology. Bioinformatics. Genomics. Virus discovery. Virus evolution.
Sarah Swygert
Assistant Professor (Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
We use high resolution genomics and biochemical/biophysical assays to uncover the roles of 3D chromatin structures in quiescent cells.
Claudia Wiese
Associate Professor (Environmental & Radiological Health Sciences)
Molecular mechanisms of DNA repair, genome integrity, and cancer avoidance.
Robert Cohen
Professor (Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
Histone ubiquitylation and chromatin remodeling
Jeff Hansen
Professor (Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
Higher order chromatin structure and chromatin architectural proteins.
Shing Ho
Professor (Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
Structures and structural gymnastics associated with the functions of nucleic acids. Halogen bonds for bioengineering and rational drug design.
Laurie Stargell
Professor (Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
RNA polymerase II transcription and chromatin context in S. cerevisiae.
Mike Weil
Professor (Environmental & Radiological Health Sciences)
Gene mutation by radiation
- BSPM 575 Molecular and Genomic Evolution
- BZ 460 Genome Evolution
- BZ 575 Molecular and Genomic Evolution
The Histone Source (Protein Expression & Purification Facility)
Joseph Stewart (Argueso Lab)
(PhD, 2019 Cohort)
CBCO Fellow 2020-2022
Sere Williams (Santangelo Lab)
(PhD, 2019 Cohort)
qCMB T32 Fellow 2020 – 22
AAAS Mass Media Fellow 2020
GAUSSI Fellow 2018-2019
Sean Merriman (Argueso Lab)
(PhD, 2018 Cohort)
qCMB T32 Fellow 2019 – 21
Kristin Scott (Santangelo Lab)
(PhD, 2018 Cohort)
GAANN Teaching Fellow 2018 – 19
qCMB T32 Fellow 2019 – 21
Shady Kuster (Sloan Lab)
(PhD, 2021 Cohort)
qCMB T32 Fellow 2022-23
Lexi Keene (Stenglein Lab)
(PhD, 2020 Cohort)
qCMB T32 Fellow 2021 – 23
Alissa Williams (PhD 2021, Sloan Lab) – Post-doctoral Fellow, Vanderbilt University
Taghreed Al Turki (PhD 2019, Bailey Lab) – Postdoctoral Fellow at UNC Lineberger in the Griffith lab.
Amy Hodges (MS 2020, DeLuca Lab) – Research Associate, DeLuca Lab, CSU
Jared Luxton (PhD 2020, Bailey Lab) – Data Scientist, USDA-APHIS, Fort Collins
Elena Pires (PhD 2020, Wiese Lab) – DVM Class of 2022, CSU
Platon Selemenakis(PhD 2021,Wiese Lab) – Postdoctoral Fellow MD Anderson Cancer Center
Hailey Sedam (PhD 2018, Argueso Lab) -Clinical Genomics Scientist at Myriad Women’s Health
Nadia Sampaio (PhD 2018, Argueso Lab) – Research Scientist at Brazilian Biorenewables National Laboratory
Kate Rockenbach (MS 2017, Sloan Lab) – Research Assistant at Anheuser – Busch InBev
Miles McKenna (PhD 2017, Bailey Lab) – Bioscience Specialist at Nikon Instruments
Christopher Nelson (PhD 2017, Bailey Lab) – Post – doctoral Fellow Children’s Medical Institute, Sydney, Australia
Scott KA, Williams SA, Santangelo TJ. Thermococcus kodakarensis provides a versatile hyperthermophilic archaeal platform for protein expression. Methods Enzymol. 2021;659:243-273.
Sampaio NMV, Ajith VP, Watson RA, Heasley LR, Chakraborty P, Rodrigues-Prause A, Malc EP, Mieczkowski PA, Nishant KT, Argueso JL. Characterization of systemic genomic instability in budding yeast. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020 117(45):28221-28231
Luxton JJ, McKenna MJ, Lewis AM, Taylor LE, Jhavar SG, Swanson GP, Bailey SM. Telomere Length Dynamics and Chromosomal Instability for Predicting Individual Radiosensitivity and Risk via Machine Learning. J Pers Med. 2021 Mar 8;11(3):188.
Luxton JJ, McKenna MJ, Taylor LE, George KA, Zwart SR, Crucian BE, Drel VR, Garrett-Bakelman FE, Mackay MJ, Butler D, Foox J, Grigorev K, Bezdan D, Meydan C, Smith SM, Sharma K, Mason CE, Bailey SM. Temporal Telomere and DNA Damage Responses in the Space Radiation Environment. Cell Rep. 2020 33(10):108435.
Chromosome Translocations, Inversions and Telomere Length for Retrospective Biodosimetry on Exposed U.S. Atomic Veterans. McKenna MJ, Robinson E, Taylor L, Tompkins C, Cornforth MN, Simon SL, Bailey SM. Radiat Res. 2019 191(4):311-322.
Both R-loop removal and ribonucleotide excision repair activities of RNase H2 contribute substantially to chromosome stability. Cornelio DA, Sedam HN, Ferrarezi JA, Sampaio NM, Argueso JL. DNA Repair (Amst). 2017 52:110-114
A Case Study of Genomic Instability in an Industrial Strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Rodrigues-Prause A, Sampaio NMV, Gurol TM, Aguirre GM, Sedam HNC, Chapman MJ, Malc EP, Ajith VP, Chakraborty P, Tizei PA, Pereira GAG, Mieczkowski PA, Nishant KT, Argueso JL. G3 (Bethesda). 2018 8(11):3703-3713.
Selfish Mitonuclear Conflict. Havird JC, Forsythe ES, Williams AM, Werren JH, Dowling DK, Sloan DB. Curr Biol. 2019 29(11):R496-R511.
Extreme variation in rates of evolution in the plastid Clp protease complex. Williams AM, Friso G, van Wijk KJ, Sloan DB. Plant J. 2019 98:243-259.
Cytonuclear integration and co-evolution. Sloan DB, Warren JM, Williams AM, Wu Z, Abdel-Ghany SE, Chicco AJ, Havird JC. Nat Rev Genet. 2018 19(10):635-648.