Code of the Cell & Molecular Biology Graduate Program


Program Mission

The Mission of the Cell and Molecular Biology Program is to foster interactions between faculty in multiple colleges and departments at Colorado State University who share a teaching and research interest in the areas of Cell and Molecular Biology and to promote the development of expertise in this sub-discipline of the biological and biomedical sciences. This is accomplished through the sustained offering of interdisciplinary graduate courses, the administration of a weekly Seminar Program in Cell and Molecular Biology, the development of research forums, and the organization of a symposium for graduate students and post-doctoral research associates to showcase the breadth of research and graduate training available at Colorado State. The mission of the Program also includes the recruitment and mentoring of graduate students and the awarding of Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy Degrees in Cell and Molecular Biology. Given the unique composition and mission of the Cell and Molecular Biology Graduate Program, it is well positioned to assume a leadership role in interdisciplinary graduate education and the development of effective graduate recruiting programs in the biological and biomedical sciences.

I. Colleges and Departments

Colleges and Departments that participate in the operation of the CMB Program are listed below:

  • College of Agricultural Sciences
    • Agricultural Biology
    • Horticulture & Landscape Architecture
    • Animal Sciences
    • Soil & Crop Sciences
  • Walter Scott Jr College of Engineering
    • Chemical & Biological Engineering
    • Mechanical Engineering
  • College of Health & Human Sciences
    • Food Science & Human Nutrition
    • Health & Exercise Science
  • College of Natural Sciences
    • Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
    • Biology
    • Chemistry
    • Mathematics
    • Computer Science
  • College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
    • Biomedical Sciences
    • Clinical Sciences
    • Environmental & Radiological Health Sciences
    • Microbiology, Immunology & Pathology
  • College of Liberal Arts
    • English

II. Administrative Oversight Committee (AOC)

The CMB Program is housed in the Graduate School, and jointly administered by the Dean of the Graduate School and the Deans of the College of Natural Sciences, the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences and the College of Agricultural Sciences. Together these colleges contain more than 80% of the faculty. The Deans comprising the AOC will be re-evaluated as the membership changes to ensure 80% of the faculty are represented by a Dean. Each member of the AOC has equal voting rights. The Dean of the Graduate School shall have the budgetary oversight/authority for the CMB Program.
The Director of the CMB Program reports directly to the Dean of the Graduate School for the general operation and administration of the graduate program. The Associate Director reports to the Director on all issues that pertain to their role.

III. Membership in the CMB Program

A: Departments and Colleges

Departments and or Colleges may participate in the CMB Program only by virtue of having faculty who are members of the Program. Each Department and College with participating faculty must sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the Program that describes their relationship, expectations of faculty and commitment to CMB students. This MOU shall be re-negotiated every 5 years or whenever substantial changes to the Code are approved.

B: Faculty

All CSU faculty members holding full time tenured, tenure-track, continuing, or contract faculty appointments in an academic department and who have research and/or teaching interests in the areas of cell and/or molecular biology may become full voting members of the CMB Program and are eligible to act as Major Advisor for CMB students. Faculty holding other types of appointment (e.g. adjunct,) may co-advise students and/or serve as affiliate members of the program. Faculty may continue to advise students while on transitional appointment, but may not take on new students as the major advisor after entering transitional retirement. Faculty members who wish to join the program should submit a copy of their resume and complete an application form provided by the CMB Office. Each application will be reviewed by the CMB Executive Committee and the applicant will be accepted into the program if a majority approval is received.

Membership in the CMB Program is a privilege and carries with it the responsibility of active participation in the events and activities of the program. Thus, every three years the Program Office will send each member a survey asking them to review their participation in the program with particular attention to each of the responsibilities outlined below. The Executive Committee will review every member’s participation every three years and make a recommendation as to the continuation of each member within the CMB Program as either a Full or Affiliate Member. If the Executive Committee does not vote in the majority to continue a member due to lack of participation, the Director will so notify the member who will be given the option to continue for one additional year of membership on a probationary status in order to improve their participation. The Executive Committee will reevaluate the participation of the member after one year and recommend to the Director the continuation or termination of that individual from the CMB Program. If the survey detailing the faculty member’s contributions to the program is not completed the member may be notified of the intent to terminate from the CMB Program and given one week to respond. A formal re-application is necessary for re-admittance to the program following termination.

The voting members of the CMB Faculty shall meet not less than once each semester of the academic year to act upon business matters of the program. Meetings shall be called by the Director, with a written notice and agenda provided one week in advance. Minutes of each meeting shall be recorded by the Program Coordinator or a designated representative and circulated in advance of subsequent meetings. The CMB faculty can act as a committee of the whole if a quorum consisting of half the regular membership is present. The faculty acting as a committee of the whole can override decisions of the director or committees and change program policies and procedures with a two thirds vote of the members in attendance. For all other decisions that involved procedural matters a simple majority can suffice. The CMB faculty acting as a committee of the whole can elect and remove the director, associate director, director-elect, associate director-elect and standing committee members from office.


  1. Participation at Program faculty meetings and voting privileges on all matters related to the CMB Program including research and academic issues
  2. Full access to all Program Resources
  3. Full participation in the CMB Seminar Series, including hosting of guest speakers.
  4. Ability to serve as a member of the Executive, Seminar, DEI-O, Admissions and/or Academic Committees
  5. Ability to serve as the primary advisor of CMB graduate student trainees


  1. Maintain a productive independent research program that is conducive to the training of CMB graduate students
  2. Be familiar with and support the Policies and Procedures of the CMB Program with regards to student training
  3. Ensure that publications involving research performed by CMB students list the CMB Program as an affiliation and that the CMB Program is advised of any publications arising from CMB student research
  4. Sustain active participation in CMB sponsored activities including attendance at seminars, faculty meetings, CMB Picnic and Annual Symposium
  5. Encourage students to participate in CMB-sponsored activities including seminars, recruitment and the annual Poster Symposium.
  6. Demonstrate a willingness to serve on CMB Committees and Graduate Student Committees
  7. Demonstrate a willingness to teach CMB courses, particularly CM700, or graduate level elective courses suitable for CMB students
  8. Host CMB seminar speakers

C: Affiliate Faculty

Affiliate faculty are those who can make valuable contributions to training of CMB students but are not in a position to act as major advisors. Affiliate faculty may include those who temporarily or permanently reduce their research activity (e.g., through entering transitional retirement or moving into an administrative role). Affiliate Faculty have all the same privileges and expectations as Full Members, including full voting rights, but are not eligible to act as the major advisor of CMB students and are not required to maintain an active research program. Faculty participation and research activity as Affiliate or Full members of the program is reviewed each year through a survey distributed to faculty by email. After reviewing the survey results and consulting with the faculty member, the Director will make recommendations to the Executive Committee for changes in status. Changes between Affiliate and Full Member status will be approved by the Executive Committee. Affiliate Faculty may become full members of the CMB Program by writing to the Program Director to describe how their position has changed.


D: Appointment of Committee Members who are not CSU Faculty

An individual who does not hold a CSU faculty appointment, but who has expertise relevant to a student research project may serve as an additional non-voting member of a graduate student advisory committee upon the request of the advisor. In order to serve as a full voting member of a CMB student committee, an individual must either first be appointed as Affiliate faculty in the advisor’s home department, or must be nominated for membership by submitting the following materials to the Program Director: (i) a resume (ii) relevant supporting material (such as a letter describing the expertise provided by the individual and its relevance to the student’s research project) and (iii) a statement from the nominated individual that indicates whether or not there is a conflict of interest with any of the committee members or student. If there is a conflict of interest, the advisor must submit a written plan to manage the conflict of interest. If the Program Director judges the appointment appropriate, they then provide a recommendation and all materials to the Dean of the Graduate School, who shall bring the nomination to the Committee on Scholarship, Research, and Graduate Education. A person so approved may serve on the committee for the duration of the student’s work towards the degree. However, the following restrictions apply:

  1. The non-CSU committee member may not serve as the outside member of the graduate committee, or as sole advisor
  2. The non-CSU committee member must have a degree equivalent to that sought by the student, and may not be a student at CSU
  3. Each student advisory committee may have only one voting non-CSU committee member
  4. The non-CSU committee member will serve in addition to (not instead of) the required faculty
  5. The privileges and responsibilities of non-CSU committee members are limited to mentoring graduate students and participating as full-voting members of student graduate committees

Refer to the Graduate and Professional Bulletin for more details on the Advisory System

E: Faculty Dismissal from the CMB Program

In extreme circumstances, it may be necessary for the CMB Program to dismiss a faculty member from the CMB program for unacceptable behavior. Examples of such behavior include poor mentoring or treatment of students, academic misconduct, and chronic or willful failure to follow the Code and/or Policies and Procedures of the Program. Any student or faculty member in the program may bring concerns about a faculty member’s behavior to the Director, Associate Director, or other member of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will recommend an appropriate course of action which may include a formal warning, appointment of a co-advisor or completion of additional training in areas such as mentoring or conflict resolution. Faculty members who fail to comply may be dismissed from the program by unanimous vote of the Executive Committee. Dismissal and the reasons behind it will be communicated in writing with copies to the faculty member’s Department Head, College Dean, and the Dean of the Graduate School. A faculty member may appeal to the Administrative Oversight Committee if they feel they have been treated unfairly.

Faculty who are dismissed may not represent the CMB Program on CMB student committees and may not act as major advisors of CMB students. When a faculty member is dismissed from the program while acting as major advisor for a CMB student, the student may identify a new advisor and laboratory, or the Executive Committee will appoint a co-advisor from among the CMB Faculty who will oversee the student’s progress until they graduate.

IV. Director

A: The CMB Program shall be administered by a Director who must be a member of the CMB Faculty and shall be elected to a three year term by a majority of the CMB Faculty who return a ballot within 2 weeks of the start of the election process. All Affiliate and Full members of the CMB Faculty have equal voting rights. The election shall be held by the end of the Fall semester in the final year of the term of the Director and the Director Elect will assume office on the last day of the Spring Semester. The Director may stand for re-election.

B: Once elected by the CMB Faculty the appointment of the Director will be confirmed in writing by the AOC, who will notify the Provost and the Vice President for Research and Information Technology of the new appointment. Should the AOC not approve the elected Director they will inform the CMB faculty of their decision and the reasons behind it. The faculty may then hold another election or appeal the decision of the AOC to the Provost.

C: The Director shall be responsible for executing the policies established by the Program, for coordinating activities within the Program, and for representing the Program to the AOC, and to the University.

D: The Director shall be Chair of the Executive Committee and an ex officio member of all other standing committees.

E: The Director shall keep members of the Program informed on matters relating to Program activities and member responsibilities and shall consult with them if there are issues regarding their commitments to the program.

F: Following approval by the Executive Committee, the Director shall present a report of Program expenditures for the previous fiscal year and a budget for the current or next fiscal year to the membership, the AOC and the university administration, once per year.

G. The Director shall fill by appointment positions on the Standing Committees according to the procedures outlined below (SECTION VI) and shall oversee elections to select the Chairs of the Admissions, Diversity, Equity, Integrity & Outreach (DEI-O) and Seminar Committees. The Director may also appoint members to ad hoc committees unless membership is otherwise specified by the CMB Faculty acting as a committee of the whole.

H. The Director can be removed from office at any time by resignation or by a two-thirds vote of the CMB Faculty acting as a committee of the whole. In either event, if the Director steps down during their third year of office, the Director-elect assumes the Directorship to serve a three-year term. If the Director steps down during the first or second year of office, the Associate Director will act as Interim Director of the CMB program until he/she can arrange for the election of a new Director. This should be accomplished as soon as possible.

V. Associate Director

A: The Associate Director shall administer the CMB Graduate Curriculum. The Associate Director must be a member of the CMB Faculty and shall be elected to a three year term by a majority vote of the CMB Faculty. The election shall be held by the end of the Fall semester in the final year of the term of the Associate Director and the Associate Director Elect will assume office on the last day of the Spring Semester. The Associate Director may stand for re-election. The Associate Director shall have their primary appointment in a Department different from that of the Director.

B: The Associate Director will be a voting member of the Executive Committee.

C: The primary responsibility of the Associate Director shall be the development, improvement and coordination of the graduate course offerings of the CMB Program. The Associate Director shall chair the CMB Academic Committee and prepare proposals and outcome assessment reports related to the graduate curriculum. The Associate Director shall also participate in preparation of applications for graduate training awards on behalf of the CMB Program.

D: The Associate Director shall serve as the Acting Director during the absence of the Director for significant periods (> 1month) and may call meetings of the CMB Faculty when the topic of business is the removal of the Director.

VI. CMB Program Assignments

A: Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall be composed of the Director and Associate Director of the Program, the Director Elect and three elected CMB Faculty Members. Each elected member will serve a three year term and may be reappointed. The elected faculty members will also be appointed as ex officio members of one of the standing committees (Admissions, DEI & Outreach, or Seminar committees). At least one member of the Executive Committee must have their primary appointment in the College of Natural Sciences and at least one member must have their primary appointment in the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. The Program Director shall chair the Executive Committee. The actions of the Executive Committee shall be reported to the Program Faculty via email, or posting on the CMB website.

  1. The Executive Committee shall advise the Director of the CMB Program regarding the broad policy and plans of the program and the most effective means to implement them. Advisory duties include, but are not limited to developing the annual budget for presentation to the AOC; coordination with other graduate programs; nominating candidates for Chair of CMB Committees; consulting with the Director on appointment of faculty and student members to the Seminar, Research, Academic and Admissions Committees; preparation and administration of any CMB training, equipment, or other such grants; overall promotion of the program; preparation of an annual written report to the Deans of the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences; College of Natural Science; College of Agricultural Sciences; College of Engineering; and College of Health and Human Sciences describing the activities of the program during that year.
  2. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for approving new members of CMB, as described in section III.A and dismissing faculty from the program as described in Section IIIE.
  3. The Executive Committee shall conduct a review of participation of all CMB Faculty every three years and make recommendations to the Director concerning continuation of membership. In addition, they will provide recommendations on Promotion and Tenure for participating faculty to their home department upon written request of either the Chair of the Home Department or the participating faculty member. In both cases, the committee shall seek opinions and advice of CMB faculty and students before making their final recommendations. Such recommendations require a simple majority vote. The recommendations shall be submitted in writing to the Director who will transmit the material through administrative channels as outlined in the CSU Academic Faculty and Administrative Professional Staff Manual.
  4. The Executive Committee makes recommendations relating the establishment of new courses and changes to the curriculum or instructor for established courses. The process shall be:
    1. All curricular changes will first be considered by the Academic Committee, which will forward recommendations to the Executive Committee
    2. If the Executive Committee approves the change, then the Director will seek approval of the AOC prior to initiating the University Processes.
    3. With AOC approval, the Director will initiate Curriculum Review. Curricular proposals shall be sent for review to each of the college curriculum committees for the colleges having deans (or their designees) on the Administrative Oversight Committee. Any one of these college curriculum committees may forward the proposal, together with the results of the reviews from all participating College Curriculum Committees, to the University Curriculum Committee.


B: CMB Academic Committee

The CMB Academic Committee shall be composed of the Associate Director, three faculty members appointed by the Executive Committee, and two student representatives elected annually by the CMB students. Student members may stand for re-election. The Academic Committee will be comprised of faculty from at least two Colleges and four Departments. Each faculty member shall serve three years and may be reappointed. The Associate Director will serve as Chair of the Academic Committee. The Academic Committee shall meet at least once per semester and more often at its discretion. The Committee shall report its proceedings to the Program Faculty by email or through posting on the CMB website.

Duties of the CMB Academic Committee:

  1. To oversee the preparation and distribution of promotional material and webpages describing the CMB graduate program
  2. To formulate and review entrance requirements and communicate them to the admissions committee
  3. To evaluate student performance in courses and progress towards the degree
  4. To recommend policies and curriculum changes for graduate training to the Executive Committee.
  5. To review student requests for waivers of required coursework
  6. To review student applications for internal scholarships (such as CMB Outstanding Student Scholarships)


Curricular proposals from the Academic Committee shall be sent for review to each of the college curriculum committees for the colleges having deans on the Administrative Oversight Committee. Any one of these college curriculum committees may forward the proposal, together with the results of the reviews from all participating college curriculum committees, to the University Curriculum Committee.

C: Recruitment and Admissions Committee

The CMB Admissions Committee shall be composed of one elected member of the Executive Committee (chair), at least three CMB faculty appointed by the Executive Committee and at least two student representatives elected annually by CMB students. Student members may stand for re-election. Faculty will represent at least two different Colleges. Each faculty member shall serve three years and may be reappointed. In addition, the CMB Program Director can choose, at their discretion, to participate as a voting member in the Committee’s deliberations. The Admissions Committee will meet primarily during the spring semester and at other times at its discretion.

Duties of the CMB Admissions Committee:

  1. To evaluate applicants for graduate study
  2. To participate in pre-application recruitment activities aimed at enhancing the size, quality and diversity of the applicant pool
  3. To select candidates for offers of admission and financial support
  4. For students admitted directly into laboratories, or transferring to CMB from other programs the Admissions Committee will evaluate both the student and the advisor’s plan for supporting the student’s project and stipend.

D: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Outreach Committee

The DEI-O committee will be composed of one elected member of the Executive Committee (faculty chair), one DEI advisor appointed by the Executive Committee (this person may be any member of the CSU Community with relevant expertise), a student chair and up to five additional student representatives. Student representatives are elected annually by the CMB students and that group then selects the student chair. Student members may stand for re-election. The faculty chair shall serve three years and may be reappointed. The Committee shall meet at least once per semester during the Academic Year.

Duties of the DEI-O committee:

  1. Provide guidance, support and training to CMB students, faculty and staff on matters pertaining to DEI
  2. Serve as a conduit for CMB program members to discuss DEI related concerns and relay them anonymously to the CMB Leadership
  3. Review, update and implement the CMB Code of Conduct
  4. Encourage and support CMB Students in outreach activities, especially to minoritized populations
  5. Review student applications for Travel and Professional Development Awards

E: Seminar Committee

The seminar committee shall be composed of one elected member of the Executive Committee (chair), and three CMB faculty appointed by the Executive Committee Faculty will represent at least two different Colleges. Each faculty member shall serve three years and may be reappointed. The seminar committee shall communicate by email and meet at its own discretion.

Duties of the Seminar Committee:

  1. To identify a CMB faculty member to act as coordinator/instructor for CM792 CMB Seminar. This individual may either lead the course themselves, or supervise another appropriately qualified individual (such as a post-doc).
  2. To guide students through the process of selecting, inviting and hosting speakers (as part of the CM792 course requirements).
  3. To work with the CMB Office to facilitate scheduling and organization of seminar speakers. within the allowed budget
  4. When appropriate, to coordinate visits of external speakers with seminar programs at UCHSC, CU Boulder and other Rocky Mountain Institutions, to reduce costs, enhance the seminar program and build institutional collaborations and cooperation.
  5. To recommend to the Executive Committee sponsorship or participation in special symposia and other programs of interest.
  6. To be active participants in the seminar series.

F: Faculty Responsibilities and Effort Distribution

All faculty members should contribute to the instructional, research and service missions of the CMB Program. However, all faculty members have their primary appointment within an academic department and must balance their time commitment to Program activities with their commitment to their Department. Thus, in the annual evaluation of participation, not every faculty member will be expected to devote the same effort to CMB activities. However, over any three-year period it is expected that every CMB faculty member make some direct contribution to the goals of the CMB Program. Evidence of participation may come from committee service, teaching in core courses, service on graduate committees of CMB graduate students, inviting and hosting seminar speakers, attending CMB seminars, voting in CMB elections, or some other commitment that requires an expenditure of effort to enhance the Program. It is also expected that CMB Faculty will support and abide by the CMB Program Code of Conduct.

VII. Redress

If any faculty member considers a decision made by the Program to be unwise or unfair, they are encouraged to call this to the attention of the Director, who shall arrange that the decision be reviewed by the Executive Committee or an alternative appointed committee, if the faculty member so requests. The composition of the review committee will be chosen by the disputing parties and the Director in such a way that all sides of a question will receive a fair hearing. Every attempt should be made by all parties concerned, the review committee as well as the parties to the dispute, to resolve any differences by this procedure. In the event of failure in problem resolution at the Program level, either party may institute Grievance Procedures, Review Processes, and Mediation as outlined in the CSU Academic Faculty and Administrative Professional Staff Manual (Section K) or refer the matter to the CMB DEI-O Committee. In the event that a faculty member has a dispute with the Director, the Associate Director or other member of the Executive Committee may form an ad hoc committee to resolve the dispute.

VIII. Student Grievance Procedures

Students may appeal instructors’ grading decisions for CM courses following the procedures outlined in the Faculty Manual, Section I.7. Before making an appeal, the student should discuss the situation with the instructor(s) involved in the decision. To appeal a grading decision, the student shall submit a written request to the Director. The request must set forth the basis for the appeal, identifying one of the three categories below.

  1. The grading decision was made on some basis other than performance and other than as a penalty for academic dishonesty.
  2. The grading decision was based on standards unreasonably different from those which were applied to other students in the same course and section.
  3. The grading decision was based on an unreasonable departure from previously articulated standards.
    The request must be submitted (or postmarked, if mailed) no later than thirty (30) calendar days after the first day of classes of the following spring semester for appeal of grades recorded for the fall, and no later than thirty (30) calendar days after the first day of classes of the following fall semester for grades received in the spring or summer semester. If no appeal is filed within this time period, the grade shall be considered final.

Within 30 days of receipt of the request for an appeal, the student’s appeal shall be provided to the instructor(s) who assigned the grade and an appeals committee formed by two faculty members and two students from within the CMB program, and one faculty member from outside the program who shall serve as the voting chair. The Appeals Committee will review the written appeal and response of the instructor(s). They may elect to separately interview both the student and the instructor(s) before rendering a decision. The decision of the appeals committee will be based upon whether one of the conditions for an appeal set forth above has been met. At the conclusion of the deliberations, the committee shall render one of the following decisions: 1) the original grading decision is upheld, or 2) the Director or a Faculty member nominated by the Appeals Committee will reevaluate the student’s achievement of the instructional objectives of the course and assign a grade accordingly. Written notice of the committee’s decision and the reasons for the decision normally will be sent to the student and the instructor(s) within 30 calendar days of the appointment of the committee. The appeal committee’s decision is the final decision of the University. Written summaries of the hearing and decision, together with a rationale for that decision, shall be provided to the student and the instructor who assigned the grade within 30 days of appointment of the committee and it shall be retained in the CMB program office for the duration of the student’s enrollment at the University.

In the event that the Program Director is the instructor, the Associate Director or other member of the Executive Committee will oversee the appeal procedure.

IX. Evaluation of Program Operations

A. Every fifth year as described by the Colorado Commission of Higher Education or at the direction of the AOC, the Executive Committee of the CMB Program shall select a committee to evaluate CMB Program operations by procedures outlined in the University Code.
B. This Evaluation Committee shall review the operation of the CMB Program as outlined in the University Code and shall prepare a report of its findings and present it to the Director, the CMB faculty members, and to the University administration for review. At appropriate times the CMB Program shall consider inviting consultants from outside the University to assist in evaluating the work of the Program.
C. As required by the Faculty Staff Manual (section B.2.6.6.a), each Center, Institute or Other Special Unit and its administrative director will be evaluated every other year. The biennial review calls for the following information:

  1. A list of current faculty and other personnel in the CMB program.
  2. A brief description of the goals and objectives of the CMB program as related to the original purpose.
  3. A brief description of the activities, services, training, or research performed, as related to the function/mission of the CMB Program.
  4. A brief budget summary.
  5. A list of accomplishments and contributions including pending and approved grants and contracts, refereed and non-refereed publications, and effects on teaching and outreach.
  6. Plans for the next two years.

X. Revisions of the CMB Program Code

Revisions of the CMB Program Code may be initiated at any time by any CMB Faculty member. In addition, the Executive Committee will conduct a comprehensive review of the CMB Program Code every fifth year at the time of the Program Review. Copies of the proposed revisions shall be submitted to each faculty member, and the Director shall be responsible for placing the matter to a vote of the faculty within two months of the original date of submission. Changes will be adopted upon approval by two-thirds of the CMB Faculty members eligible to vote.

XI. Policies & Procedures Manual

The Policies & Procedures Manual for CMB is posted online and is attached as a separate document. Changes to the Policies & Procedures may be initiated by any faculty member through the Academic Committee. Changes to the Policies and Procedures must be approved by one half of the CMB Faculty members participating in the vote, with the stipulation that at least half of the eligible members must cast a vote.

XII. Code of Conduct

The CMB Code of Conduct is posted online and will be reviewed annually prior to the start of the fall semester. All members of the program are expected to be aware of, abide by and support the values described therein. Changes to the Code of Conduct may be initiated by any student, faculty or staff member of the CMB program through the DEI-O committee.

XIII. Procedures for Appointment of Advisors and Graduate Student Advisory Committees (GAC)

A: Appointment of advisors

The majority of students receiving support as teaching assistants or from training grants will rotate through three laboratories of their choice during their first two semesters in residence. This experience will allow them to become familiar with potential thesis projects and with several faculty members in their area of interest. Final selection of an advisor should be made by the end of the second semester following enrollment, but must be made by the end of the first calendar year. The faculty advisor must describe a plan to support the student and their project for the remainder of their graduate career. This plan must be approved by the Academic Committee and the Director before the student joins the laboratory.

Some students are admitted directly into a laboratory with support from a CMB faculty member or from outside sources (such as international scholarships). Other students (e.g. MCIN and DVM/PhD students) may transfer into CMB after selecting a laboratory to perform their research in. In these cases, the Academic Committee and the Director must approve the faculty member’s plan to support the student and/or their project for the remainder of their graduate career prior to the student’s admission into the program.

Whether a student joins a lab directly upon joining the program, or following rotations, the advisor, the advisor’s department head, and the CMB Director must sign a letter describing the commitment being made to the student by the advisor and department and the expectations of the student.

It is expected that advisor will have sufficient funds to support the student’s research expenses and be able to provide stipend support in the form of a research or teaching assistantship for at least 1 yr (MS) or 2yrs (PhD). It is unlikely that the Academic Committee will approve a student joining a lab without this level of funding unless the student has secured a fellowship.

B: Appointment of Graduate Advisory Committees (GAC)

The Program Director, with input from the Academic Committee and eventually the advisor, will advise students concerning course work during the first two years. After registering, a graduate student must obtain approval from the Academic Committee and/or their advisor before adding or dropping a course. The Academic Committee must also approve a change in a student’s degree objective from a Ph.D. to an M.S. degree.
Within three months of selecting an advisor, the advisor and student shall select a Graduate Advisory Committee (GAC) that represents major areas of the student’s graduate study and call a meeting of these individuals. A minimum of three committee members is required for M.S. degree candidates and four committee members for Ph.D. degree candidates. At least two (M.S.) or three (Ph.D.) of the committee members must be members of the CMB faculty. In addition, the Graduate School requires the appointment of an outside member. This member must be a faculty member whose primary appointment is outside the home department of the student’s advisor. The development of a formal plan of course work (Form GS 6, Program of Study) and research activities should be completed within one week of the first meeting of GAC. This committee should meet annually, or more frequently if necessary, to advise a student and to submit an evaluation of the student’s progress in completing their academic requirements and thesis research. More information regarding the role of the GAC can be found in the Policies and Procedures.