qCMB Data Viz
Join qCMB on September 7 at 1:45-3:15PM in H210 A/Z for Taru Dutt’s presentation and workshop on “Spatial Transcriptomics Analysis of Cell-Cell Communication”
Join qCMB on September 7 at 1:45-3:15PM in H210 A/Z for Taru Dutt’s presentation and workshop on “Spatial Transcriptomics Analysis of Cell-Cell Communication”
Join us for the CMB Seminar in H210 A/Z at noon
Dan Gustafson (Professor of Clinical Sciences, CVMBS) was elected as Secretary-Treasurer of the Cancer Pharmacology Division of the American Society of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET). He will take office on July 1, 2020. ASPET election results
Josh Svendsen recently published his work showing that methylation of small RNAs is essential for trans-generational fertility in C. elegans. Josh completed this work under the guidance of Tai Montgomery (Associate Professor, Biology) with help from CMB students Kailee Reed, and Kristen …
Jess Metcalf (Associate Professor, Animal Science) has been awarded grants totalling $1.2 million to investigate the use of microbes to estimate time of death.
Check out Marc Nishimura’s Science Paper “TIR domains of plant immune receptors are NAD+-cleaving enzymes that promote cell death” Plus Marc is an author on a Cell paper published this week “A Species-Wide Inventory of NLR Genes and Alleles in Arabidopsis …
The schedules for both the Student Seminar and Invited Speaker Seminar are coming together. Make sure you add them to your calendars
Welcome to Joey Stewart, Casey Sniffin, Mina Roueinfar, Ikaia Leleiwi, Reed Woyda, Valerie Lindstrom, Sere Williams, and Sam Ogden who will start work on their graduate degrees this fall!
The qCMB-T32 Training Grant launched on July 1, 2019 and our first fellows have been selected! Congratulations to Alissa Williams (Sloan Lab, Biology), Kailee Reed (Montgomery Lab, Biology), Sean Merriman (ERHS) and Kristin Scott (Santangelo Lab, BMB)! Over the course …