Channel 1 Admission Due Dates

December 1 for PhD Applicants

Channel 1 applications should be submitted through the CSU admissions portal by the due dates above. Review will begin immediately after these dates for the applications that contain all the required review components listed in the table below. Applications missing any of these minimal required components may be declined without further review. 

All PhD students admitted through Channel 1 are expected to begin their graduate studies by the next fall semester (e.g., Apply Dec 1, 2024 to start PhD Aug ~15, 2025) 

MS applicants are not considered for Admissions Channel 1. 

Channel 1 Admission Requirements

  • Bachelor’s degree in any of the biological, biochemical, or physical sciences
  • Includes a minimum of one year of biology, organic chemistry, physics, biochemistry or mathematics through differential & integral calculus.
  • Additional courses in cell biology, microbiology, developmental biology, immunology, genetics, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, biophysics, physiology, anatomy, math, programming, and statistics are taken into consideration during evaluation for admission.
  • Applications are also considered from students who are on track to receive their undergraduate degree before the expected enrollment in the CMB program (e.g., Apply on Dec 1, 2024; Earn final Bachelor’s degree around May 15, 2025; Start PhD on Aug 15, 2025).
  • Most recently completed degree must meet a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. In cases where applicants have not yet completed their Bachelor’s degree by the time of application, their GPA must also meet the 3.0 minimum at the time of application.
  • Applications from promising students with deficiencies in entrance requirements, including GPA below 3.0, may be reviewed and accepted into the program, provided the deficiencies are justified, and are corrected during the first year in the CMB program. This may be accomplished on a cases-by-case basis by passing an examination, by taking appropriate remedial undergraduate courses, or by successfully completing graduate level courses that require the undergraduate courses as prerequisites.
  • The CMB Program welcomes qualified students from non-English speaking countries. These applicants must meet the same admission requirements as domestic applicants, and in addition, they must show evidence of competence in the written and spoken English language as specified below.

Channel 1 Application Components

Channel 1
PhD Application Components
Required by the CMB program to begin the application review process
These items must be submitted by the application due date: Dec 1, 2024
Higher Education Transcripts Required by the CMB program to begin the application review process
These items must be submitted by the application due date: Dec 1, 2024

Unofficial transcript (scan, screenshot or PDF uploaded by the applicant) from the institution where you earned (or will soon earn) your final undergraduate degree. Transfer credit transcripts are not needed at this stage. 
When applicable, Unofficial transcript (photo, screenshot or PDF uploaded by the applicant) from the institution where you earned (or will soon earn) any advanced degree (e.g., MS, DVM, MD, etc). 

All submitted transcripts must be either originally written in English, or must be translated to English. Foreign transcript grades should be converted to the US GPA scale. 

Undergraduate degrees obtained at foreign institutions must be equivalent of a 4 year US BS degree or a 3 year BS plus MS. 

After admission and before the end of the first semester in the CMB program, students will be required to provide official transcripts (transmitted to CSU directly by the institution) for all undergraduate and advanced degrees you obtained, from all institutions you earned course credits from, and from the final institution that granted your degrees. This includes all course credits you may have earned from institutions other than the ones that granted your degrees. 

Letters of Recommendation

Minimum of two (2) letters submitted by your recommenders received. Three letters should be submitted if they are available, but these extra letters are not required for initial review. However, applications that only have one (1) letter on file by the due date will be considered incomplete, and may be declined without review. 
CMB encourages recommendation letters to be written by research and professional mentors who have first-hand knowledge of the applicant in a research laboratory, a research-based course, or other professional contexts. 

Letters from instructors who know the applicant primarily from the classroom environment are also acceptable, although these are typically not as effective in describing the applicant’s potential as a future graduate researcher.

Resume or CV Up-to-date resume or CV. 
Effective resumes/CVs typically include items such as: A list of your degrees with earned (or anticipated completion) dates; A list of your research experiences; A list of other relevant professional experiences; A list of extra-curricular activities, service engagements, or other relevant life experiences that contributed to your preparation for the PhD; A list of publications, posters, talks, and/or other forms of research presentation at conferences or other scientific events. List also any other brief additional information you feel might be relevant. 
Structured Statement of Purpose CMB-format Structured Statement of Purpose.

Make sure you use the Channel 1 template 

CMB requires applicants to prepare their statement of purpose using a structured fillable PDF form. This template requires applicants to write short narrative essays covering topics valued in the review process, such as research experiences, lived experiences, your specific interests in the CMB program and our faculty’s research, and other topics. 

GRE scores

NOT required. If you have already taken the GRE, you may submit your scores with your application if you would like to. Most applicants do not. 

CSU application fee payment

CSU offers application free of charge on the due date: December 1, 2024. Applicant are encouraged to begin to build their application before the due date, but finalize the actual application submission on Dec 1 to take advantage of the free date. More information on free dates and other forms of fee waiver can be found here: Ways to apply for free – Graduate School

English Language test scores (foreign applicants only)

Please refer to the CSU Graduate School’s English Language Proficiency requirements.

Approximate timeline of CMB application review and admissions 2024-25 PhD Applicants (Channel 1)

Application due date: December 1

Invitations for Virtual Interviews: Approximately January 15

Virtual interviews: Approximately January 20 to February 10

Invitations for on-campus interview: Approximately February 15

On campus interviews: March 27

First round of admission offers: Approximately April 3

Subsequent admission offers on a rolling basis: Approximately April 10 to 30

Channel 1 FAQs:

With the application deadline so near, can I just upload my  unofficial transcripts  to my application? 

Yes, the review stage only requires unofficial transcripts, and only from institutions where you earned (or are pursuing) your undergraduate degree (no transfer credits needed), and when available, please also provide the unofficial transcript from the institutions where you earned (or are pursuing) an advanced degree (e.g., MS, DVM, MD, etc).  


Is there someone I can contact within the CMB program for application and admission questions? 

  • Yes, but you are first encouraged to navigate through our website and review the comprehensive information provided there. You can also contact us through the methods below (email is fastest, and strongly preferred).  
  • Phone: (970) 491-0241.  


PhD vs. Masters, What’s the difference? 

  • The Link provided below does an excellent job covering the key differences between a Master’s Degree and a PhD. Note that CMB only admits MS students through Channel 2. 


What GPA and GRE are required for admission to the program? 

  • The Colorado State University (CSU) Graduate School has a minimum 3.0 GPA requirement for Admission. However, students with GPAs above 2.8 may also be admitted if they have an otherwise strong application.  
  • GRE is NOT required, but applicants may provide scores if they wish. Most applicants do not submit GRE scores.  


My GPA is not great. Should I still apply? 

  • Yes, you should still apply. Our review process is comprehensive, qualitative and holistic. We evaluate all aspects of the application, not just grades. An application that is strong in other areas (extensive lab experience, compelling and relevant life experiences, effective letters of recommendation, publications, etc) can also be favorably reviewed and may receive serious consideration regardless of a relatively low GPA.  


When can I start working on my application? 

  • You can begin to build your online application any time starting the first day of classes in August until the published due dates for the desired CMB admissions channel.  
  • For Channel 1 (PhD only): Dec 1, 2024.  


Do I need to identify an advisor before I apply? 

No. All PhD students admitted through Chanell 1 will receive funding internally managed by the CMB program, which will allow them to rotate through labs to find an advisor after they are admitted.  

However, nothing stops you from reaching out to our faculty members early on in the process. CMB does encourage applicants to communicate with our faculty. This will help highlight your interest in our program, and your application will possibly be stronger if you have communicated effectively with our faculty to learn more about the program and their research. Advice on how to make a connection with faculty can be found  here  and  here.  


Can I apply for a Spring or Summer Admission? 

No. We do not accept applications for Spring or Summer admission. 


How do I know whether my application is has sufficient components to begin the review process? 

  • For Channel 1, as soon as the review of applications begins, applicants will receive an email from CMB indicating that their application is complete and will be forwarded for review. This email should be expected within 10 business days of the deadline.  
  • Once an online application has been received and processed by the Admissions Office, a checklist will be available when you next open your application.  
  • If your application does not contain all the required components listed in the table above, it may be declined without review, in which case you will be notified through the CSU online admissions system.  


Can I submit my own test scores, and how would I do this? 

  • You may submit a ‘self – reported’ GPA and unofficial transcripts during the application process.  
  • GRE scores are not required, but if you choose to submit them they must be official. Scores should be sent directly to CSU from the testing facility, using university code 4075.  


What if I am still working on my degree and I need to submit a transcript for my current education? 

  • That would not be a problem. In this case you should provide your latest transcript, and later you can and should update your application after the end of the fall semester.  


What proportion of applicants are admitted? 

  • For Channel 1, we receive around 200 applications each year and admit 6-10 students; all of them are PhD students.  


What are you looking for in the CMB Structured Statement of Purpose (SSoP)? 

  • Applicants should carefully read and follow the guidelines that are provided for each part of the CMB SSoP. Doing this should enable you to provide answers that are focused on the main topics we want you to address.  
  • More generally, below are some ideas of the points to consider when you write your answers in the CMB SSoP:  
  • Try as best as you can to provide evidence that you understand what a PhD or MS graduate degree will entail, and that your career plans need and fit with that degree. 
  • Provide evidence that you have had previous hands-on lab experience, and that you know what to expect once you get started in your graduate research training.  
  • Provide evidence that you have a passion for research.  
  • Include a discussion of some of the transferable skills you already have to offer, such as time management, teamwork / collaboration, problem solving, critical thinking, leadership, mentorship. Discuss how those skills might be valuable for your graduate research.  
  • If you have them, highlight examples of your previous successes in research, which can include awards, scholarships, presentations, publications, etc. Tell a story about how you were able to achieve those successes, and what barriers you had to overcome along the way.  
  • Demonstrate that you have an ability to clearly describe a research project including background hypothesis, experimental design and outcome / impact.  
  • Show evidence that you have thought deeply and carefully about our program and what we can offer to you as an individual and as a member of a team. Write in specific terms as much as you can.  
  • Tell us about other valuable broader qualities, skills, experiences that you have and that you would bring to enrich our program and community.  


I am having difficulty getting the money for the application fee. Is there a waiver available? 


What is the current stipend for CMB students? 

  • The precise stipend for PhD students who enroll in Fall of 2025 has not been determined yet.  For students admitted Fall 2024, stipends were $37,152 per year.  We anticipate making offers at this level or higher in 2025. 
  • In addition, GTA and GRA appointments cover health insurance (valued at over $3,000 for a year with a minimum 5 credits per semester), 75% of student fees and full tuition.  


I submitted an information request via the Admissions / Grad School Inquiry process. When can I expect to receive a response? 

  • Initial inquiries will receive a response within a week or less. A faster response may be available by emailing  [email protected].  


Can I pursue the PhD online? 

  • No  
  • There is not an online option.  
  • All Cell & Molecular Biology training includes Face to Face experiences with extensive research done in a lab.  
  • Our classes are Face to Face.  


Where can I find the cost of tuition? 

  • All CMB admitted students will have their tuition paid as part of them being appointed through GTAs, GRAs, scholarships, etc.  
  • CMB students do NOT pay tuition from their own incomes, but you can find the cost of tuition (paid by someone other than you) at  this link 



Additional FAQs for foreign PhD students  


What are the minimum scores for the TOEFL, IELTS, Duolingo orPTE Academic Exams for English Language Proficiency? 

  • See the application components table above  
  • The only exceptions accepted are listed in the table.  


My BS or MS degree was taught in English. Do I still need to pass an English Proficiency test? 

  • See the application components table above  


What are the funding opportunities for international students? 

  • International students applying to the PhD program through Channel 1 are eligible for teaching assistantships (GTA) which cover the first year tuition and stipend. After that, they are supported by funding managed by their CMB faculty mentor, typically through GTA or GRA sources.  
  • Some of the external funding opportunities that foreign student may apply for are listed below. Other external funding opportunities, including from foreign governments also exist and will depend on the applicant’s country of origin. Past and current international CMB students have been successful a obtaining funding from these sources: