We are an interdisciplinary recruitment, admissions and degree-conferring graduate program comprising over 100 faculty members from 14 departments and 5 colleges. Active research programs focus on the molecular and cellular aspects of cancer biology, infectious diseases, metabolic regulation, neuroscience & molecular physiology, plant biology, regulation of gene expression, reproductive & developmental biology, and quantitative cell & molecular biology.

CMB offers a core of lecture courses in advanced molecular genetics and cell biology, laboratory research techniques, science communication and ethical conduct of science.  Students participate in a graduate seminar series in which students present their research, and a weekly seminar series for presentations by CSU faculty and nationally prominent scientists each year.  PhD students complete additional coursework in Grant Writing, Statistics and Critical Analysis of the Literature.  Elective courses in specialized areas are also available as part of the curriculum.

Our diverse student body consists of over 50 MS and PhD students conducting research in laboratories of CMB Faculty Members.  Our incoming students are supported by teaching assistantships for the first two semesters while they complete rotations to find a home lab.  In subsequent years, most students are supported by their advisor as Graduate Research Assistants, but some continue to teach, and others have fellowship, scholarship or training grant support.

Average Time to Degree

Our average time to degree compares well with national averages and our graduates are very successful in finding employment that uses their training.

The Program aims to create a welcoming and supportive community with events such as our Poster Symposium, networking and mentoring programs, a picnic, CMB Celebrates! and CMBSA-organized activities.