Tell your science story!

Do you want to serve as an inspiration and role model for non-majority gender
scientists? We are looking for female-identifying and non-binary early career scientists to
share their “How I Came To Science” story. This is a community event organized by CSU
Graduate Women in Science (GWIS) that aims to show diverse pathways to the sciences. Our
2021 Storytelling Night can be viewed here.

The storytelling evening will be on May 11th, 2022 (location TBD). We would love you to
share your stories with us. If you are interested in applying to be a storyteller, please
apply here. If you have a friend who would be a good storyteller, please urge them to apply!
Applications to be a storyteller are due by April 1st. We will select 4-6 applicants through an
anonymous reading of applications. The selected storytellers will also be provided with
optional coaching from a storytelling expert about how to craft a story and engage an
audience. If you have any questions, please reach out to [email protected].