The Graduate Student Council and the Associated Students of CSU (ASCSU) are excited to sponsor quarterly grant
applications to support graduate student professional development at CSU. Broadly, the GSC Professional Development and Supply (PDS) grants are intended to help fund graduate students attending professional development opportunities (such as workshops and training) as well as to help fund supplies needed to complete research, work efficiently, or teach successfully. The PDS grants are not intended to cover the cost of conference registration and attendance.
Students are invited to apply for two tiers depending on their needs:
Tier 1: 10 grants of $100 each
Tier 2: 6 grants of $250 each
You can fill out an application here, or at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc1oLZ86qD6DA7jxhETa_6t9dsLFyBco7SoZFhoGIkEbuWUkQ/viewform