Gradshow almost here!!!

The GradShow is less than a month away on November 8-10. Graduate students representing all eight colleges and
interdisciplinary programs will present their scholarship and creative artistry using a new virtual platform created for
the GradShow. Learn more about the exciting work going on across campus, engage in professional development
offered to the entire graduate community, and support your peers. Virtually attend by creating a profile even if you
are not presenting this year.

You are highly encouraged to visit the virtual platform on Nov. 9 in between 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. MT. During this
time, provide feedback to presenters and professionally network via a messaging feature on the platform. As a virtual
attendee this is an opportunity to learn more about graduate student scholarship at CSU.
In addition to the presentations, join us for workshops and speakers (flyers attached). On the week of the GradShow,
find the MS Teams links and locations to attend each session on the GradShow Schedule. Postdoctoral scholars and
faculty are welcome to attend all of the GradShow events.

Interactive Keynote & Awards Ceremony

Nov. 10 at 4 p.m. | Register at | Find virtual links at GradShow Schedule
An ecologist by training, Dr. Olson will speak about how using Hollywood storytelling techniques can improve our
research and scholarly communication. Come and enjoy hearing more about the ABT method!

The celebrations for the week conclude with the interactive keynote speaker and awards reception at 4:00 p.m MT on
Nov 10 in the LSC Grand Ballroom. Attend in person to network with students, post-doctorates, and faculty from across
campus. Free beer tickets will go the the first 200 to join us!

We are excited to celebrate our excellent graduate students and their scholarship and creativity with you soon!