Carol Wilusz, Director

Microbiology B407

(970) 491 4919
[email protected]

Carol Wilusz Headshot

Dr Wilusz was born and educated in England. She earned both her BSc and PhD at Imperial College of Science, Technology & Medicine in London where she studied Drosophilagenetics.  She came to the US as a post-doc in 1996 to work on C.elegans RNA processing with Tom Blumenthal.  After a second post-doc working on yeast mRNA stability in the Peltz lab in NJ she joined CSU as a faculty member in the Department of Microbiology, Immunology & Pathology in 2003.   Her research program focuses on post-transcriptional control of gene expression in pluripotency and myotonic dystrophy.

Since joining CMB in 2005, Dr Wilusz has mentored seven CMB MS and PhD students, coordinated and taught CM700 and CM502 (required courses) for CMB students, chaired the Academic Committee, and served as Associate Director from 2015. She was elected as the first female Director of CMB in 2018.

Dr Wilusz serves as PI or co-PI on training awards from the Department of Education (GAANN) and the National Science Foundation (GAUSSI). These awards support training of CMB students interested in university teaching and computational biology respectively.

When she’s not running the CMB program, teaching or doing research, Dr Wilusz can be found cycling the miles of bike paths around Fort Collins, horse riding, traveling or spending time with her two teenagers.